May has been a very full month (and it is not over yet)! I have neglected to update on the many activities that are going on outside of the "packing zone."
Krissy baked a cake for Grammy's birthday. We drove out to celebrate with her. We were kind and let Riley come along. He found some manure to roll in. The kids could not stand the stink, so we stopped at a pet wash on the drive home and spent way too much time and money washing him back up. It was a birthday celebration we will always remember.
Jamison took part in the All City Sixth Grade Track Meet. He did the high jump for the first time and made it to the 4th round. He was very pleased.
I am especially grateful for my flexibly-rigid job these days. I got up at 4 AM to go into work this morning. There were a few things that absolutely had to be done today and I really wanted to spend the day at the track meet instead of the office. I am so lucky to have a job that allows me to work whatever hours I wish as long as I meet my deadlines. Thank you Chad for allowing me to be the mom I want to be!