Joshua is learning how to go with the crazy flow around here. Let me tell you about our morning.
6:15 Daddy gets up and ready for work. Momma and Joshua lounge in bed.
6:50 Momma gets up... quietly... hoping Joshua will keep sleeping.
7:00 Momma out of shower trying to wake Brenna.
7:20 Momma almost ready, Brenna still snoozing, Joshua fast asleep.
7:30 Brenna finally up and trying to get ready.
7:50 Krissy (who is totally organized and gets going with no problem) leaves for summer school.
8:00 Brenna finally ready (or so we think). Joshua is sound asleep on Momma's shoulder. We head out the door to get Brenna to school - already late - she is supposed to be there at 8. I decide to check in Brenna's backpack and guess what? There is a field trip today and Brenna needs lunch!? Seriously? We have a debate about just skipping which Brenna wins so I help her pack cold lunch with a still almost sleeping JG balanced between my shoulder and the counter.
8:15 Brenna dropped off at school. Joshua is now awake enough to start chattering.
8:25 Home. Hope to feed Joshua quick and then get Jamison to basketball camp. Joshua does not want to eat until he sees me open the fridge and something catches his eye. I have no idea what he wants so badly so get him out of his chair to show me. He wants his leftover popcorn chicken and fries from lunch yesterday. So in the microwave it goes.
8:45 Leave to bring Jay to basketball camp looking like this.