Jamison played his first game of Middle School football this afternoon.
***I may blog or perhaps drink (OK joking) the night away. Joshua woke up a few minutes after I laid him down and I decided not to rock him back to sleep. I have seen lots of signs that he is ready to learn to fall asleep without me, but his crying is seriously breaking my heart. He is doing better than I had feared. He cries so sadly (but not terrified) for a while, then is quiet, then calls for "Mommy! Mommy!", "Mommy pleasie rock you", "Mommy no kitchen, Mommy Joshua room!"
I am staring at the clock and going in to tell him how proud of him, that I will never leave, that I am in the kitchen, that I love him I - at increasing intervals. Chad is watching football and reminding me that this will be hard for a while. My heart is shattering, but I also know that it is time... or at least I think it is time.
This was way easier with the older kids. They cried, but I knew they were securely attached. At this point Joshua is doing super, but is still on his way to being totally securely attached. The older kids also learned to fall asleep without me before they could talk so although they cried they were not begging for "Mommy!"
This is tough stuff people. Pray for his heart and mine. Pray for peace of mind and wisdom. Pray for rest and that he still loves me in the morning.