Without a doubt the highlight of last week was going to Krissy's school to talk about Ethiopia and to pick up the pillowcase dresses her sewing class made.
Below are the students and the dresses they made.
The students were very proud of the dresses the made, and I think as I shared with them about the need in Ethiopia they became more proud. I think the one thing that really hit home to the young people was that they as 9th graders spend more money on pop, gum, movies, clothes, etc... every month than the average FAMILY in Ethiopia has to buy ALL the things they need. WOW! The majority of families in Ethiopia live on less than $1 per day... less than $30 a month.
I am really proud of Krissy. She heard about Team Tasfa's idea to sew pillowcase dresses to bring with on their mission trip and asked her sewing teacher if the class could help. The teacher told her that if she found a pattern and sewed an example, she would consider it. Krissy enlisted Grandma Donna's help and sewed examples the very next weekend. That example dress resulted in about 40 more dresses being sewed for the very deserving girls in Ethiopia. (I also have to give a BIG thank you to the amazing teachers at her (public) middle school. Each and every time she has asked to do a project to serve the people of Ethiopia, they have supported her 100%.)
Thank you once again for helping Krissy experience Ethiopia. It has certainly impacted her heart.
OK! Onto some more fun events that took place during the Internet blackout!
Cooking baking at GRAMMY'S!
I believe Sierra is being caught licking her fingers!
Sierra's favorite creation
Joshua is not into sticky or gooey. It took a little while before he was ready to touch the cookie dough and he refused to try eat it (crazy kid). I think he liked playing in the flour best...
but he DID try cutting out a few cookies.
He and Brenna had a lot of fun riding Grammy's moose footstool.
Sunday was the Children's Christmas Program at our church.
Here are the youngest three modeling their new clothes.
Sierra worked double time as the piano players page turner and as a shepherd.
Here is the whole children's choir... can you spot Brenna?
So there you have the happy highlights from a week gone silent.