We celebrated Joshua's birthday, surrounded by family and friends that are just like family.
It did not take long and he was peaking out the front door waiting for his posse to arrive. He was very excited!
As our house began to fill up, he did get a bit overwhelmed. He did really well, but made sure to keep close to mommy. (I celebrate that sentence.)
The only downside of that need is that I do not have many good pictures of him opening gifts or of our guests. Daddy was busy visiting and watching the Packers game, Mommy was busy helping Joshua.
So I will give you a visual.
My boy is into detail. He likes to explore each detail of a new treasure before he goes onto the next treasure. I found him "hiding" in two different locations with his new four wheeler. He was trying to find a quiet spot in the house so he could hear what noises the four wheeler made! Poor baby is just like his mommy, he loves quiet! (Unless he is the one making all the noise that it!)
In our house we have non-traditional birthday desserts. We are just not a cake family. Joshua chose brownies! "Joshua no I love it cake! Frosting g-ross! Joshua, I love it brownies!"
So brownies it was! Before the party began, Joshua chose his favorite brownie to poke his candles into. He then hid this brownie in the pantry, to "save it for later." (He has learned that the yummy stuff disappears quickly around here!)
Near the end of his party, he was ready to eat his brownie. He did NOT want anyone to sing or look at him. He did want to blow out his candles. Then he wanted to blow out his candles again.
Finally when he had almost eaten all of his brownie, he whispered, "It OK sing Joshua. Joshua b-low candles more too.)
So I relit his candles and we sang to him.
While Joshua enjoyed his party, his favorite part of the day came when everyone went home and he could explore his gifts all by himself. (If you were here to party, do not take that the wrong way. He loves each of you. Big social gatherings are just a bit stressful and he was much more relaxed when playing by himself. Not to mention he had much more room.)
(With the addition of the basketball hoop to our family room, Joshua has dubbed it a gym. He told me, "No basement! This is Joshua gym!")
So... I guess I will have an extra passenger in the morning!
Happy Birthday, sweet boy!