"May the God of hope fill you with great joy and peace as you trust in him." Romans 15:13

Saturday, December 26, 2015

A Month of Wonder: Patience

 Mataya's new favorite words are "helper, self, and no."
She wants to help and is so very proud of her efforts.  Allowing her to "help" can be a challenge.  Her form of "help" often makes a task take longer and require much more concentration.  It is easier when she watches.

Much easier.  

When I discovered her "helping" daddy put together her new rocking chair from Grandma and Grandpa, I expected disaster.  Daddy does not enjoy following directions.  Anyone touching his tools challenges his patience even further.  So, an over eager toddler "helping" should have been a crisis situation.

Except that it wasn't.
 Chad constructed.
Mataya touched everything.
Moved everything.
Misplaced everything.

She was so busy.
So proud.
So excited.

And to my awe and delight, her daddy just encouraged her.
There has never been a happier girl to try out her very own rocking chair,  She was all smiles and pride.  It was precious.

After all these years my husband still amazes me sometimes.  The love and patience he lavished on our baby girl today was a thing of compete beauty.  

Patience is one thing I have never prayed for because I fear if I pray for patience the Lord will put me in (even more) situations in which I can practice being patient.  (Not kidding here!)  And although I do not plan to start praying for patience, the example Chad set today of gracious, nurturing, tender, patience inspires me in a very beautiful way.

"Love is patient" came to life in our family room today.