"The Lord will fight for you,
you need only be still."
I love this verse.
I think we all want someone to fight for us. We all long for someone to be in our corner, unconditionally on our side. We long for someone to understand, to get it, to agree with us, to support us - even without our having to explain.
Funny enough, though one of my deepest longings is for someone to understand me and fight for me, I tend to rush to my own rescue. I am a doer. I want to get busy fixing problems, defending causes, formulating a plan.
All while God asks me to be still.
Stop striving.
(Deep inhale.)
Trust Him enough to BE STILL!
(Long slow exhale.)
Oh my Rescuer, my Protector, my Sovereign Savior, You amaze me.You make things so simple. You only ask that I am still, that I let go and allow You to work. There is no one I trust more to fight.