"Then you, my people, will know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves and bring you up from them."
If I had not been raised in a RCA church, I may stand up and shout "Glory, Glory Hallelujah!" in response to this verse.
I soooo look forward to the day that graves are open, and we all SEE God.
Once in a while the idea of God is just weird. Don't you ever feel that way? Doubts that say, what if this is all just wacko? What if I am spending my time talking to no one? What if. . .
Wrong thinking, of course.
Honest - absolutely!
There are moments when I doubt. There are moments when I wonder.
I love that God understands this.
Even more I love the FACT that some day every eye will see and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
Oh, what a day that will be.
Holy Father. I am so excited to see You someday. I am so excited for the day when all of this is over, and we all walk side by side. I am thankful that someday the doubts and struggles, the pain and suffering will ALL be gone forever. I praise you Lord Jesus for you are Lord. The work You did saves me from the grave. That is the most unimaginable and miraculous thought. Thank you. Thank you.