"May the God of hope fill you with great joy and peace as you trust in him." Romans 15:13

Sunday, December 23, 2018

The Wonder of His Love

Last year the Christmas lyric "He appeared and the soul felt its worth," defined my year.  It hung on my wall and soothed my soul throughout some hard days.  Likewise, it reminded from where my joy originated throughout some really good days.  2018 really was a year of contrast, and those lyrics followed me.

This advent, the words that set my soul afire are "THE WONDER OF HIS LOVE."

The amount He loves ME absolutely amazes me.  As I gaze into it and ponder it as fully as my humanness allows, WONDER is exactly what I feel.

When I choose to, I see it. . . HIS EXTRAVAGANT LOVE everywhere.

In the face of my children.

In our full refrigerator.

In bills we are able to pay.

In nature.  Oh, how I wonder of His love when I gaze into nature.

In laughter.

In tears.

And in our cabin.  It is such a source of healing, rest and encouragement to me.  While no project we have ever completed was as much work, no project has brought us as much joy.  In the midst of one of the busiest most chaotic and uncertain seasons of our lives, the ability to retreat and REST is a miracle.  God's grace and perfect timing strike me deep every time I am here.  He knew that this is exactly what we would need at this exact time.  And my gratefulness in Him can not be explained.

As we spend the weekend before Christmas hidden away at the cabin reading books, baking cookies, watching movies, and napping my heart is filled to completely overflowing as I think of the wonder of His love for each of us.

Because I have never shared completed pictures on this format, I do today.  But the heart of this post is not the "STUFF" but One who made it all possible.

Thank you, Jesus, for this place of rest.  May we always use it for Your glory.