"May the God of hope fill you with great joy and peace as you trust in him." Romans 15:13

Monday, August 8, 2016

Love Your Spouse Challenge

(Reposted from FaceBook)

I have been asked to post one picture of Chad and I each day for seven days as part of the "Love Your Spouse Challenge." I never do this stuff, but as a hopeless romantic how can I refuse? Besides the goals of "celebrating love and promoting marriage" trump most other things I see on FB these days!

So - this picture is circa 1992, we were 17 and had been dating about 10 months at the time this picture was taken. Chad was the best boyfriend. He was always leaving little notes in my locker or under the windshield wiper of my car. He brought me a single red rose on the 29th day of each month (our "anniversary") without fail, always opened my door, and called to talk on the telephone (remember landlines) every evening. It was such a wonderful time.

Day 2 

First came love, then came marriage! We were married August 6, 1994 - which means I have been Mrs. Dietrich for 22 years this weekend! I have said many times that marrying Chad was the best choice I have ever made. And many times I have told my girls, "marry someone just like your dad!" That said, we are just like every other couple. Last night after I posted what a great guy Chad is, we had a silly misunderstanding, which hurt my feelings. Ha! Marriage is GOOD, but it is not magical. It definitely takes patience, hard work, and deep commitment! 

(On a different note, did we not have the cutest flower girl and ring bearers?!? I have always loved being surrounded by kids!)

Day 3

Although some moments were long, it seemed that in a blink we were surrounded by four amazing kids.  Children were (and are) a dream come true to me.  Before we were married, Chad always told me that we could have as many children as we could afford. . . as long as they were all boys.  And then he would laugh and laugh.  However, as we considered the addition of each of our children, his thought process changed.  When a baby (or an adoption) came up, he would say, "We will never regret another child.  Never."  Of all the gifts the Lord has allowed my husband to give me, our children are by far the most precious.  I am so very thankful for each of them.

I am equally thankful for the amazing father Chad is.  He is gentle, fun, wise, thoughtful, goofy, fair, compassionate, and always full of surprises.  He lives to please us, often going out of his way to make us feel special.  He commonly comes home with a bag of groceries that contains treats the kids love but I refuse to buy.  He makes sure we have fresh oil in our cars and that the tires are rotated on time.  He goes out of his way to rent movies we will enjoy.  He traded his handgun shooting career for camping with his family, and he traded his fishing boat for a family size "party" boat.  He is the real deal, and I am beyond grateful.

Day 4

One of the things I most admire about Chad is that he is faithfully fearless.  He lives a life of faith-filled character - his word is his bond and The Word is his guide, yet he is decisive and bold.  He does not let fear take a grip - but moves forward with decisions he feels are correct with Holy confidence.  This is a quality that has served him well both as a business owner and as a husband and father. 

 I used this picture of Joshua's homecoming to demonstrate this quality because to many people adoption is just too risky.  It is true, few things about adoption are easy.  It was costly - both financially and emotionally.  But, just as he has done time and time again during our marriage, when Chad knew adopting our precious boy was right - he never wavered.  And in the hardest of moments, he consistently held our family together as only a fearless leader can.  Six years later we would both tell you that the "risk" of adopting Joshua has held the most incredible rewards.  Joshua is every fifth beat of our heart, and he is so much like Chad that we often shake our heads.  God sent us all the way to Ethiopia to discover the son that would share his daddy's sense of humor, love of construction, work-ethic, and adoration of all things motorized.  In fact, Joshua is more like Chad than any of our bio kids are!

I am not fearless, I tend to over-think and doubt.  I am so very thankful that the Lord matched me with a decisive man who would fearlessly and selflessly lead our family.  We balance each other well.

Day 5

Although Chad is one of the hardest working people I know, he is also the one who has taught me to value fun and relaxation! (You can laugh - but I was raised in a very task-oriented family.) Chad values fun, down-time, and relaxation, and so it has become a priority to me as well. Some of our best memories have taken place while sitting on a beach, in a boat, or next to a campfire. Slowing me down was not easy, but I am certainly thankful for his success. In those quiet, peaceful moments I have not only drawn nearer to my husband, I have also drawn nearer to the Lord. "Be still" is a skill He desires us to learn!

(This picture was taken during a hike in Hawaii in 2012.)

Day 6
True Confession: On the day this lovey-dovey photo was taken (approx. Aug 2014) I was furious with my husband. He had made a purchase that I did not agree was necessary, and I was NOT happy. . . at all. And as the saying goes, "if momma's not happy, nobody is happy!" When the photographer asked him to kiss me, we both paused wondering if we could stomach it. (Sure it is hilarious now, but that day it was awkward!)
Chad and I have a strong relationship, but there are those days. . . And on those days, I remember some advice we were given during marriage counseling. Pastor Don told us, "Always remember that marriage is not a feeling, it is a choice. Some days, hopefully most days, you will feel totally crazy about your spouse. However, there will be other days, sometimes weeks and months, when the feelings are not so wonderful. Remember your promises no matter how you are feeling. Feelings are always changing, it is your commitment that will hold you together."

I have this photo up on our bedroom wall to remind me that disagreements are temporary, but our marriage is forever.

Day 7
This is us. The ordinary, everyday us. Lake hair, no make-up, kids all around us. Our life is far from perfect. It is rarely quiet. There is always one more task to complete. And yet, this, this beautiful chaos IS my happy place. Thank you, Jesus.