"May the God of hope fill you with great joy and peace as you trust in him." Romans 15:13

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Halloween 2017

I got to spend the majority of the day, this Halloween, with Krissy, Wyatt, Sophia and Mataya.  Most of it was very chill.  Well, as chill as a day can be with an 11 mo old, 2 year old, 3 year old, and 10 week old puppy!  We played, ate lunch and snacks and more snacks, napped, baked a cake (after two tries),did a kiddo craft project.  It was my kind of a day.

After the daddies got home, we got the little people into their costumes, staged a mini photo shoot, and headed out the door to trick or treat.  Amid all the excitement, I snapped some super cute photos!

 Mataya is all about horses.  And pink.  She is always pretending to be a horse.  She gallops everywhere she goes.  Her horse name is Sally.  When in trouble, more often than not, Sally did it!  Pink is most definitely Mataya's signature color.  Pink on pink on pink is her picture perfect outfit.  So, it was NOT a bit surprising that her when asked what she wanted to be for Halloween, her first request was, "A PINK HORSE!"  A quick search on amazon found us this darling (and warm!) costume.  She was thrilled!

 "Hey mom!  Take a picture of my tail!"
 Our sweet, sweet Sophie-girl is just starting to walk.  She is so proud, so snuggly, and so her momma's girl.  She can say a few words, "LaLa" inculded!  This girl adores food like few others.  Sophia was wearing Krissy's all time favorite Halloween costume, complete with tattoos. And she owned it!  She performed like a model in front of my camera, all smiles, oozing personality and maintaining eye contact.  It was SO fun!

 She melts me, heart and soul, with a simple glance.

This picture makes me want freeze time.
 Dontcha just want to scoop her up?!? 

 Krissy and Devin just added little Bella to their family.  She is a 10 week old dolly, who stole her Auntie Sierra's heart.  I'm not a dog girl, but she is SWEET.  She snuggles in like none other and has such a chill, loving demeanor for one so young.

 Wyatt was not thrilled about wearing a car or having his picture taken.  He tolerated me - sort of - for a moment.  A race car costume is perfect for a little guy who is always on the move and usually making car sounds!

I jokes that Sophia was attempting a jail break!  Why stand still when you have finally figured out how to use your legs?

 As usual, Joshua avoided the camera as much as possible.  I did talk him into one photo.  His costume was hilarious, which fits his personality perfectly.  He is funny and innovative and loves gadgets.  This costume covers all the bases.

Sierra wanted a quick picture with both her nieces. LOL!

After we finished taking pictures, we climbed into cars and headed to Sharlene"s house.  (Tom's too - but Sharlene steals the show for the under 10 year old crowd!)  After a quick visit and a few handfulls of candy, we split up.  Krissy's family headed north toward their home.  Joshua, Mataya. Chad and I made the rounds in our neighborhood.  It was cold - so it was a quick loop, but the kiddos returned home hyper and happy.

They take my breath away, these moments.  Watching my kids run up to a doorway to trick or treat brings me back one year and then in my mind's eye 2, 3, 7, 10, 15, 21 years.  Time is a thief.  In a blink my oldest baby, who was an x-ray her very first Halloween, has a baby girl and a little man.  What a privilege it is to witness it all.