"May the God of hope fill you with great joy and peace as you trust in him." Romans 15:13

Saturday, May 3, 2014

6 Weeks Old

As I look through the pictures I snapped of Mataya this week, I realize that she is awake A LOT more than she used to be.  Her eyes are open in almost all the pictures.  

Her accomplishment of the week is learning to SMILE!!!!

She gave her first gummy grin to her Daddy, just as he'd requested.  In all reality, I did not believe it was a real smile.  But later the same day I saw her give Sierra a grin that was unmistakably "real" which proved me wrong!  Mataya WAS smiling!  About two days later, she smiled at me.

There is something amazing about those first smiles.  It touches a sweet spot in your soul.  For weeks and weeks you do everything you can to care for, comfort, and nurture a child - and the only response you receive is messy diapers.  It is a completely one sided relationship, until those smiles start.  Baby smiles melt me.

 Mataya likes laying on the floor and having a chat. . . for about 3 minutes anyway!
Though those playful moment are still very short lived, they are precious.
I love how she is cooing at Brenna in this photo.

 Chad is so good with Mataya.

She is not the easiest baby, nor is she the hardest.  She is happiest when nursing.  Her second favorite activity is being held.  I had the nerve to put her sleeping self into the swing so that I could take a shower this morning.  That did not last long.  When I got out of the shower, she and daddy were in the garage building a sub box.  She was happily snuggled up while he was drilling away.

After 6 kids, even Daddy has learned to get almost anything done with a baby snuggled close.
No doubt about it, I married well.
 Joshua just adores her!

He truly can not get enough.  
He is never upset if she is grumpy or fussy.  He loves to be close to her no matter her mood or noise level.
 I joke that Mataya has perfected underachieving.

She remains tiny.  At 6 weeks, she weighs 7 lbs 9 oz.  She is gaining exactly 1/2 oz a day - which is what her doc said she must do - but no more.  A few rolls would make mommy a bit more comfortable, but if the doc is happy and the baby is happy, mommy is too.
 Sierra has become a baby whisperer.

When Mataya first arrived, Sierra would panic every time she cried.  That has totally changed.  Now, when Mataya fusses, Sierra is so confident and calm.  She knows just how to hold her to calm her.  Mataya smiles more at Sierra than anyone else.  And Sierra makes sure to give Taya her Vitamin D every day.  She thinks Mataya's reaction is so funny.  She says giving Mataya her vitamins is her favorite moment of the day.

Another thing that cracks me up is that Sierra refers to Mataya as "buddy."  Every time she picks her up she says, "Hey Buddy!"  Tay must like it.
 Although Mataya is a great sleeper at night, (I actually wake her up to eat most nights), she is NOT a good napper.  We joke that she sleeps with one eye open.  Getting anything done is challenging - however, I am thankful that she sleeps well at night.

This photo cracks me up.

Nosy baby was supposed to be napping in her stroller during a track meet.
She refused to sleep, peaking out the little crack the whole time.
Poor peanut, it was too windy for her to come out and see any more, so she happily observed the track meet through the tiny crack.  Thankfully, she is usually content in her carseat these days!

Although I do not have a photo, Jamison spent some time holding Mataya this week.  When I found out that Mataya was 7 lbs 9 oz, I insisted Jamison hold her since he weighed 7 lbs 10 oz at birth.  I wanted him to realize just how tiny he had once been!  Anyway, he was holding her, watching her sleep, smiling at her baby grins as she dreamed when all of the sudden she filled her diaper.  Very loudly.

Jamison's response?

"She was a lot cuter before she passed gas as loud a a middle school boy!"

And true.

This week I realized that my maternity leave is over half way complete.  I have been trying not to panic.  Mataya is still SO tiny!  I know that 6 weeks is always tiny, but she is taking it to a new level!  I can not see how she (or I) will be ready to return to work in 5 weeks.  I am very lucky in that she can come with me to work for a while, even so, I do not know how I will possibly do it.  She is fairly high maintenance.  That is fine - but a high maintenance baby in an office could be incredibly challenging.  Leaving her at day care full time is not an option since there is only a very part time slot for her until September.  (I am actually thankful for this as I have no interest in having her away from me full time just yet.)

Though the desire of my heart has always been to be home full time, what I long for even more is to do the work the Lord has for me.  No matter what that is, I want to do it with a joyful and thankful heart that will glorify Him. 

Will you please be praying that God prepares my tiny one and I for whatever is to come?