The end of this week was filled with doctor appointments. We all need to have a doctor fill out a form and declare us healthy individuals, medically suitable for adoption. Chad and I need our forms notarized, the kids' just need to be signed by a doctor on their letter head.
So, I went first. As luck would have it the doctor I chose did not have a notary, forcing me to find one elsewhere. (A BIG thanks to our CPA and friend for not only letting me use the notary in his office, but even driving her to the doctor's office himself. It turns out that her son is adopting from Ethiopia as well!)
The next day I was back with Krissy, Jamison, and Sierra. The kids were troopers, but a doctor appointment for 3 kids is a bit crazy! It was a success though - we got our letter!
Krissy also received the thumbs up she wanted from the doctor to accompany us on our trip to bring Joshua home. She is very serious about her desire to go, so serious that she volunteered to start the immunizations she will need in order to travel to Ethiopia. So serious, I have heard her say what she wants from her grandparents for Christmas is money to go toward her plane ticket. Chad and I fully support her desire to come with us. We think that it would be such a life changing trip for her - for all of us of course, but for an eighth grader to see true poverty will have to make an impact. We also think that when Joshua is 13 and really beginning to question who he is and where he came from, it will be so beneficial for him to be able to talk to his big sister who saw his birth country at that same age.
The only concern we have is financial. This whole process is expensive to say the least. The agency fees are about $12,000. The home study costs $3400. Travel to bring Joshua home will be about $3000/person. US Government fees will be about $900. Add to that all the incidental expenses like immunizations, Joshua's medical care when we get him home, FedEx charges, changing the workout room into a bedroom for Sierra.... and the total is pretty big. We will take advantage of the tax credit, apply for some grants, sell some stuff, and probably use up our savings.
Anyway, for Krissy to come with we are going to need some help. Would you consider making a financial contribution toward her travel? Today, I committed to help her raise the $2500 she will need in order to come with. So, our first crack at fund raising is a direct request to those of you that love us. If you could help her see the world, I truly think you would be impacting the way she sees things for the rest of her life.