"May the God of hope fill you with great joy and peace as you trust in him." Romans 15:13

Saturday, August 22, 2015

A Full Lap = A Full Heart

It was a cra-cra-crazy week. Sigh.  Work was. . . interesting. . .  Family life was busy.  Back to school preparations are time and energy consuming!  AND Sierra and I decided to redo her room. . . on the fly.  Yikes!  I definitely over-committed - but we survived it.

The BEST part of the  week were the moments I was able to spend one on one with my kids.  Brenna and I spent a whole day together shopping and painting.  (Thanks Grammy!)  AND I was also able to spend more time than usual with these littles.  When my lap is full, my heart is happy.  
Wyatt is 2 months old.  He is beginning to smile - or so I am told! (Thus far he only smiles at his momma and his grandpa.)  He is outgrowing all his clothes and turning into a delightful little chub with the cutest curls in the universe.  He is CONTENT and takes most everything in stride.  He is a joy and a delight.

Krissy had mentioned that he had outgrown all his pajamas, so LaLa did a little shopping!  I adore baby jams.  Really, is there anything sweeter?  

I had the honor of giving Wyatt a bath and dressing him in his new jammies.  After he was dressed I realized that Mataya had the exact same pajamas, only in pink, hanging in her closet.  Sooooo, twinsies they were!  Oh, they are hurt my heart cute.  And seriously, how many aunties can twin with their nephew?  
 Krissy let us babysit for a bit, so I sat on the porch snuggling Wyatt while the kids played baseball.  

LaLa loves you, Wyatt John!  You are such a sweet snuggler.
 Auntie TayTay LOVES to kiss Wyatt.  When she sees him, or when she sees a picture of him, she immediately starts smacking her lips and begging to kiss his curls.  She is growing in her ability to be gentle with him.  His eyes are the ultimate temptation.  That and his paci.  She grabs his paci right out of his mouth and runs as fast as her legs will go, giggling.  She thinks it is soooo funny, until we get to her and take away the paci.  Then she throws herself into a limp heap of noisy tears.  (Fit throwing is her new hobby... but only when she does not get her way.  LOL!)
Mataya actually did a great job playing with Wyatt.  She was very careful and so very happy to see him playing.  She is totally intrigued with babies and toddlers.  She wants friends her size, as she spends most of her time with big people.  It is fun to see her trying to interact with little people everywhere we go.  She even chose to stay in the nursery at church one Sunday.  She is by far the most outgoing toddler we have ever had.  
Krissy handles all of Mataya's baby love so well.  It is a bit nerve wracking at times, as Mataya is so eager and yet so incapable - but she adores him and she is trying hard to learn just how to share her love.  And her momma!  Once in a while Wyatt has to get passed back to his momma or one of his very eager older aunties because Auntie TayTay tires of sharing - but all in all this one and a half year old auntie is doing great.

I shake my head often as God's timing.  

Had we known we would be grandparents so soon, we probably would not have chosen to have Mataya.  And yet, having Mataya has prepared us to be Wyatt's grandparents (and me to be Krissy's mom right now) in so many ways.  Our family dynamic is unique, and unexpected - but it is beautiful.  I never expected to parent alongside my daughter, to swap advice and babysitting, to be peers in this way, and yet it is so good.

Mataya and Wyatt are such gifts.  I am so thankful for the sovereignty of God.  I am so thankful that He is in control, that He always has a plan, and that His mercies are new every morning.