Lest I alarmed you with my last post, things are quite peachy here for the most part. Joshua and I have a wonderful time together - unless he is mad - then he struggles. That is normal to a point - but not to the extreme that he takes it too. I do want him to learn to trust in relationships so that he does not spend the rest of his life searching for the perfect someone or something that will make him "feel" happy and safe. However, I realize all this will take TIME. He has had a lot of practice and experience in asking for a "nicer" caregiver when one makes him mad. The exciting thing is that he will have EVEN MORE time and experience in being part of a family... eventually.
I have watched him having fun, learning lots, and becoming much more confident this week. Here is some proof!
One day Brenna, Joshua, and Mama met Daddy for lunch at Wendy's. He was a champ. He really liked his chicken nuggets, drank him milk cold, and tried a few fries.
He spent the rest of the trip in his stroller munching on goldfish. An animal lover he is NOT!
The only animals I would say truly interest him are birdies of all kinds - he tries to chase them in our yard - and monkeys. He enjoyed watching them swing.
He has recently discovered how good it is to have a Big Brother. Jay was on his "save me" last last night when Gebeyehu did not want to take a bath!
Brenna and Sierra trying to share at the park.
Another BIG success was grocery shopping today. Joshua was able to ride in the cart for the first time. (We have shopped quite a few times before and he has needed to be held chest to chest. When I would slide him to my hip to grab an item he would pull my arm back so he felt really securely wrapped.) Today, he sat happily in the seat chatting with me as we purchased a pantry full - as in 2 cart loads - of groceries. He liked examining each item and then putting it behind him in the cart. He would ask "Gebeyehu?" as in For Gebeyehu? if he knew he liked something. If he did not think he would like something he would loudly exclaim, "Gebeyehu, NO!" as in Gebeyehu does not want any of that! He also proudly helped carry in the groceries when we arrived home.
Perhaps what amazes me most is his handle on language. I expected him to be totally linguistically confused at this point in his life. He was born in a home that spoke Sidama, heard Amharic at the care center, and now English. To the contrary he is very verbal. We have entire conversations now that most anyone could understand. He parrots everything we say. He has great comprehension and retention. One day this week the dog sneezed. Joshua yelled to me "Mama, Riley bless you!" as in mama, tell Riley bless you. I think he had only heard me tell someone bless you after they sneezed once or twice. He just remembers and puts things together so well.
So do pray that he is released from fear and becomes more able to trust and attach. But also give thanks for all this boys successes. He is amazing and we are so proud of him.
I am off to pack a camper! I love summer - disappearing to the lake to hang undistracted with Chad and the kids is my very favorite thing. I hope you have a great weekend as well.