"May the God of hope fill you with great joy and peace as you trust in him." Romans 15:13

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Her Camper Prayer

Being married to Chad for the last (almost) 18 years has been FULL of adventures.

He seems to LOVE adventure.
I prefer safety.
It ends up being a beautiful balance.

Of ALL the adventures Chad has ever convinced me to join him on NONE have made me as nervous as moving into campers with our 5 children and Golden Retriever for an undisclosed amount of time.  NONE!  It is not the butterflies in your stomach kind of nervous like before you try something really scary, like jumping from an airplane.  It is more like the are we really doing this kind of nervous, but I am nervous non-the-less. 

Sierra is our most sentimental child.  She has been dreading the move the most - at least verbally.   In a conversation one day, Krissy helped us both so much!  Sierra was going on and on about how sad it is to leave so many memories behind.  I was listening quietly, thinking about how I had become all teary the night before over the thought of leaving the kids' swingset behind.  Krissy had finally had enough.  She wisely told us both - in her black and white kind of way - that we were NOT leaving any memories behind!  We were leaving STUFF behind.  The memories are all stored in our minds and hearts and they are easy to move!  Her wisdom helped us both so much!

The other thing that has totally inspired me is Sierra's prayer.

Sierra has been praying, and has asked others to pray that our time in the campers will be a time that God uses to bring our family closer together than ever before.

Isn't that beautiful?
And wise beyond her years?

So now, every time I begin to wonder how we are going to do it,
I echo Sierra's prayer.

I ask God to use this time to bring our family closer than ever before.
And the what-if's just do not seem terribly important any more.

 Here is my 12.5 year old inspiration showing off her bedroom-to-be.

She will sleep on the bottom bunk, and store all her stuff on the top one.

Some people have asked how we can do all "this" (the build, the move, the camper living, the work schedule) with 5 kids.  In all reality we could not do it without them!  Their help is what makes this all possible. 

Pictured above is the downsize I am thrilled about!

Chad has Jamison's (or maybe my) Jeep done!
I am so loving cruising around in it!
So loving!

I am thankful tonight for the blessings that God pours in to fill the cracks and hold us together in the midst of crazy!  So thankful.