It has been a fun and busy track meet week. On Tuesday, Joshua and I drove to watch Jamison run at an out of town meet. The weather was awful... cold, windy, and rainy. However, I still totally enjoyed a day with my boys. Jamison kindly sat with Joshua and I a lot. It was really fun to have him tell me more about his teammates. Joshua was a total champ, braving the elements with more grace than his momma. He loves rain, so sitting in the rain was FUN to him! And because I love to run, I love to watch runners... especially My runner. Jamison did a wonderful job. Despite the cold, rainy day he either improved his times or held them steady.
Today we enjoyed a local meet. The sun was shining. The wind was silent! It was 70*! It was so perfectly, perfect that I pulled the girls out of school to enjoy the meet. I was very glad I did when Jamison set personal records in each of his events!
Jamison and team won the 3200 relay. His 800 split was his fastest ever. It was a great way to start a meet!
Jamison's cheering section
Proof that Krissy was there.
(She tried to refuse a picture, but I reminded her that I DID let her skip an afternoon of school.)
Daddy, entertaining a 3 year old in need of a nap!
Track meets equal NO NAP! Although Joshua is most definitely still a napper, he has done fairly well this week with 2 very off-schedule days. That could no have happened even 2 months ago. I am so very thankful to see this adaptability developing!
Jamison ran a personal best time in the 800 of 2:36.
He also ran a personal best mile of 5:49.
Last Sunday afternoon I ran 3 miles with Jamison and Sierra. It was really a dream come true for me. I have been running (sometimes more than others and never as fast as my son) for the past 11 years. I have been looking forward to running with my kids all those years. Unfortunately, I had envisioned being able to keep up with my kids. Well, my Jamison can leave me in the dust! Luckily I was well aware of that before we set out for our run and I made him promise to take it easy on his old mom! He was gracious, kind, and bored running with me - but I got in the most challenging run I have had in a while. And let me tell you Sierra has grit! She is not in good enough shape to have handled the run we did, but she pushed through it like a champion. I was amazed! Running with them, I discovered I have gotten a bit lazy. I have my comfortable pace and just coast along. It felt horrible YET wonderful to be pushed. We all had a lot of fun, and I have been inspired to push myself a bit more!
I am proud of you Jay! Thanks for inspiring me to push hard and do my best, just like my son does.