"May the God of hope fill you with great joy and peace as you trust in him." Romans 15:13

Friday, April 15, 2011

"Sunshine" in my heart

I have a grumbling heart this morning. I could go on and on about all the really good reasons I have to be grumpy. However, that would only make me grumpier.

Instead I have decided to challenge myself to remember some the moments this week that have brought "sunshine" to my heart.

  • Joshua insists on pronouncing kitchen "chicken." He knows it is really kitchen, just likes chicken better.
  • I have had the honor and privilege to have officed from our home this year, keeping Joshua with me instead of at daycare. I am very thankful.
  • Joshua and I take a nap together every day. If the fact that I get a nap was not wonderful enough, I get to take my nap with the world's best snuggler. Joshua likes to share my pillow with me. We lay nose to nose. He puts his right hand under my bottom cheek. He sucks his left thumb, but the fingers on his left hand rest my top cheek - holding my whole face close to his. Those naps are pure bliss. (Just so you are not too jealous, my nap is only 15 minutes. Then I get up and work, but those 15 minutes are perfection!)
  • When Joshua gives me BIG SMOOCHY kisses, he reminds me to rub them in. That way my heart gets all his love. (Can you tell I have told him a thousand times that his kisses make my heart happy?)
  • Joshua has requested the last several nights that we sell his bedroom. He would much rather share with mommy. It is "no fair daddy share mommy! Joshua want share bedroom mommy too!" (Daddy says, "Sorry buddy! You can have mommy at naptime ONLY!" Mommy agrees.)
  • Krissy drove with me this week and never scared me once!
  • Sierra told me that she has a pair of jeans that she feels "totally hot in! like you mom!" My bubble was quickly broken when Krissy told her how not hot I am - but I still had my moment!
  • I went for a run this week with Joshua in the jogging stroller, Riley on his leash, Sierra running with me, and Brenna on her bike. At the end of our 2 mile, very hilly route, I was the trailer! Gone are the days when I have to slow down for my daughters!
  • I took Jamison shopping for some cold weather track gear and he thanked me. Jamison always remembers to thank me for everything, clean laundry, supper, lunch money... I appreciate that!
  • A friend sent me an "I hope you have a great week" email.
My heart is much sunnier now.

Thank you God for all the "sunshine" You provide in the midst of storms.