"May the God of hope fill you with great joy and peace as you trust in him." Romans 15:13

Monday, November 22, 2010

A Mommy Morning to Savor

I did not sleep well last night. For some reason as I tossed and turned it occurred to me that maybe I was awake because God had something to say to me. So I told Him that if He had something to say, I was listening. I slept some after that but woke up really early with the realization that during this Thanksgiving week, I should be concentrating on worship. Hmmm.

So I got up and opened my Bible. About the time I had settled into reading a sweet sleepy Joshua Gebeyehu voice called, "Mommy! Mommy!" So I went to snuggle with my son, asking God when and how I could make more time for Him? As we snuggled Joshua pulled my cheek tight to his in a monster hug and said,"I love you mommy" in a voice muffled by the thumb that was still stuck tight in his mouth.

It was a peaceful morning getting all the kids off to school. That is a miracle in and of itself on a Monday morning and it set the tone for a pleasant day.

Joshua and I stopped at the grocery store for a couple of items and it was snowing as we walked in. It is cold so our feet made squeaky noises on the snow that Joshua loved. He was totally fascinated with the sound. Then I showed him how to catch snowflakes with his tongue. We both giggled like crazy. When we got into the store he gently brushed the snowflakes out of my hair and looked deep into my eyes saying, "I love you Mommy."

We got home and I cooked while he played happily. About an hour into cooking he started to fake cry. (his sign that he needs me but is unsure how to ask for attention when he doesn't really NEED anything but some lovin') I put down the dirty dishes and picked up my baby. He snuggled in and said, "Thank you me mommy. I love it snuggle." We snuggled and tickled and giggled a while.

Then Joshua suggested we go downstairs to "Get down, lift you up, get down." At our church we do fun, crazy, dancing, praise music with the kids that come to our Wednesday evening children's programs. Joshua is not attending those yet. (He is too young and the evening at home with daddy alone is WAY more important this year.) But I have been playing him the DVDs of the songs the kids sing. He loves them. He loves music. He loves dancing and jumping. He is fascinated with guitars and microphones. His absolute favorite song on those DVDs is "He Lifts Me Up." Chances are Joshua has fallen for it because it has a lot of repetition in the lyrics and jumping in the actions. However worshiping with my sweet boy this morning gave me chills as I chose to let the message of the song soak in. You see Joshua has experienced dark days, crying, aloneness and he has also been lifted up. Thank you Jesus.

Here are some of the lyrics:
All I need's another day
Where I can't seem to get away
From the many things that drag me down
I'm sure you've had a day like me
Where nothing seems to set you free
From the burdens you can't carry all alone
In your weakness He is stronger
In your darkness He shines through
When your crying He's your comfort
When you're all alone, He's carrying you

I get down and He lifts me up
I get down and He lifts me up
I get down and He lifts me up
I get down

This valley is so deep
I can barely see the sun
I cry out for mercy, Lord
(and) You lift me up again

I get down and He lifts me up
I get down and He lifts me up
I get down and He lifts me up
I get down

As we sang and danced like crazy Joshua grabbed my leg for a huge hug and for the third time this morning said, "I love you Mommy! Thank you get down Joshua!"

I was humbled to realize that God absolutely made time for me to worship Him in the midst of my busy day being a mommy for Him. It was a sweet sweet time.

Joshua and I had some lunch together and I will share his thankful thoughts from our pre-lunch "Come Lordie Jesus" (that is what he calls praying).

Thank you God
  1. Daddy shopping (daddy is at the shop working)
  2. Mommy Joshua get down song
  3. Krissy,
  4. Jamison,
  5. Sierra,
  6. Brenna at school

It was a morning I just wanted to record and remember. I am trying to savor every bit of sweetness, every lesson, every giggle, all the joy, and some of the tears.

May you feel Him lifting you up today.