"May the God of hope fill you with great joy and peace as you trust in him." Romans 15:13

Monday, February 7, 2011

High School Orientation

We are about to enter a whole new phase of parenting... Krissy is off to high school next year!

She will attend the very same high school that her father and I did (classes of '92 and '93), so going to orientation was loaded with memories. The most overwhelming memory that returned as I sat and listened to both new and old (as in they were there when we were) teachers was the sense of freedom that came with High School.

I was not a huge fan of high school. I do not remember it as "the glory days!" I keep in close contact with about 2 people from my high school days, one of which I married! I remember feeling awkward, self-conscience, too mature, and at times lonely during my years at CHS. I remember dreading gym class. I also remember some fun and laughter. I remember discovering more of who I was and who I was not. I remember falling in love - for real, forever.

I realized tonight that what I loved (other than Chad) about high school was the feeling of freedom. I was free to drive myself places. I was free to arrive early or late... it was all up to me. I was free to choose my own lunch, leaving to eat out if I so chose. I was free to pick some of my classes and explore my interests. I was free to find a job and make some money! I was free to spend my own money.

Yet that freedom was safe because of the boundaries at home. While I was free to go out with friends, I had a curfew. My parents would be paying attention to when and in what condition I arrived home. While I had my own money, my parents paid for everything truly necessary. It was, as Hanna Montana would say, "the best of both worlds!" freedom and few responsibilities, combined with some support and accountability.

For Chad and I more responsibilities came quickly. I spent my freshman year of college in the dorm learning to balance doing my own laundry with classes, homework, work, and dating my soon to be husband. Chad and I were married the summer between my freshman and sophomore year of college. We moved into the world's tiniest campus apartment. We then learned to balance marriage with bills, work, college, and housekeeping. I would NEVER change a minute of any of it! I was SO ready to be Mrs. Chad D. The transition was quite easy, but the sense of freedom that I had in high school was gone forever.

I hope Krissy enjoys her high school years. I hope she revels in both the freedom and safety. I hope she takes advantage of the many opportunities - there are currently about 200 classes to choose from at her high school along with clubs and extra curricular activities. I hope she has fun and friends and laughter. I hope she learns a lot. I hope she discovers all kinds of new things about herself. I hope she makes good choices. I hope we get to have at least one more African adventure together before she graduates. I pray she stays safe. I pray she continues to grow in faith, a hard thing to do surrounded by all the temptations and distractions high school can bring.

She is so ready to be a high school student. I am trying to be ready to be a high school parent. I am so proud of the amazing, responsible, mature young lady my daughter is - yet letting go and giving her the freedom she has earned is hard sometimes. I am reminded once again that IT IS NOT ABOUT ME! This transition is all about Krissy and I vow to enjoy it!

Krissy, as the oldest, you are always the "test kid." I am sorry in advance for the mistakes we will make. We learn so much with and through you. I am so excited to watch you discover the woman God is shaping you to be. You are so beautiful inside and out. I am proud to be your mom. Enjoy the freedom that is high school, Krissy. Be patient when it all seems pointless and silly, the pressures of adulthood are just around the corner, enjoy where you are today.