"May the God of hope fill you with great joy and peace as you trust in him." Romans 15:13

Monday, October 18, 2010

What's it name?

For the entire months of July, August, and September the most frequently asked question by our little son was, "What's that?" It was truly steady. At each and every new object he came in contact with he would point and say, "Momma! What's that?"

While it was so exciting to watch him soak in vocabulary, it also got a bit tiring. He would truly ask this question many times a minute in a new place. (Kristen, I know you are laughing now because you are experiencing this too!)

It was also embarrassing at times - like when he pointed to a woman whom I assume was going through chemo. (since she was bald.) Joshua saw her and asked, "Momma what's that? Man?" Loud. While pointing. I responded with what I hope was a loving smile toward both my son and the woman and responded, "No Joshua. That is a lady. See her pretty pink hat?"

Once in a while it was frustrating - like when I was driving and had NO IDEA what he was pointing at from the backseat, but he knew when my responses were incorrect! "No momma not the dumpy truck! What is that?!"

Well... all this asking has given our son a very specific vocabulary. He did NOT wear pants today, he were jeans! Mommy does not have a car, it is an SUV! He does not wear shoes, he either wears boots or faster, faster shoes (aka tennis shoes)! He does not play with tractors, he plays with backhoes, skidsteers, payloaders, etc... He has even started learning what the parts on the machines are called - like buckets, doors, lights, and hydraulics. Sometimes people think I am exaggerating until they listen to him, I know Auntie Teresa was surprised at lunch today.

The BIG news is not his amazing vocabulary though. The really BIG news is that he (finally) has a new favorite question!!!!!!!

What it name?

Sometimes change is soooo good! "What it name" is significant because Joshua has realized that (for example) mommy is a title. Mommy's name is Alicia. Once that totally clicked in his brain, he began trying to discover which words he knows are titles and which are objects. It is a really exciting turning point to me because I was really tired of answering "what's that?" constantly! But more importantly his learning titles vs. object/personal names will really help him understand relationships better.

For example today he asked me, "What Teresa's name?" I explained that Teresa is Joshua's Auntie because she is daddy's sister. His next question was, "What Ashlee name?" I explained that Ashlee is mommy's friend, but her name is Ashlee. He reminded me that," Ashlee is Drew (Joshua's friend's) mommy." I asked him if Ashlee was Joshua's mommy. He told me, "NOOOOO! Mommy (point at my chest) Joshua MOMMY! Ashlee no Joshua's mommy. Ashlee mommy (&) Joshua friend!"


(In case you have not noticed, this child makes my heart sing!)

*** On a different note, my husband, whom I adore and who is an occasional reader of my blog says he is not so sure he wants to enter in my give-away! He would like to know when the trip is, and what he would be doing. If you have the same concerns, check this out:

Wonder what you would actually be doing IF you win a mission trip to Ethiopia? You can read all about it here.

He is also not too sure he wants to go on any mission trip (this IS the same adventurous man who told me to go find our BOY!) alone! So if you agree with him. You can introduce yourself on this post and I will still buy you a t-shirt if your name is drawn, but I will give the trip (should you win) to my most wonderful husband! (Only kidding!)

Happy Monday... almost Tuesday but who needs sleep?