This is Joshua just a week or so ago! He is so precious it takes my breath away every time I see his face.
SO I am sure you are all wondering how this all happened?
The last few days have been long, very, very long. The internet has not been working well in Ethiopia so I had no idea what was going on. The silence was making me crazy. I was truly losing it! I was absolutely NO good at work so my amazing boss (aka husband) let me spend this morning wandering through Target. Then he took me out to lunch. After lunch I met some ladies at our church for our weekly Tuesday prayer meeting. There was no way I could sit at a desk and concentrate so I hit the running trail. Between prayer and exhaustion, my mind was calmer and I was ready to face another day of waiting. At 2:45 Liz called. Remember 2:45 here is 10:45PM in Ethiopia. I was seriously holding my breath. So far calls with Liz have not been filled with a lot of good news. To my complete joy and astonishment she told me that we not only passed court with the receipt of the MOWA letter BUT they also had Joshua Gebeyehu Chad's adoption decree. HE IS TOTALLY OURS!
So I am sure you are wondering how the kids reacted? Watch this!
Yes, I know the camera is sideways and the picture quality is terrible... but the video is still priceless!
We are hoping to travel the first week in June. If we can get Embassy clearance for that week, Krissy will still be able to go to summer school. It will be tight, but there is hope.
My joy is not complete tonight because our dear friends did not get the same news of court passing...yet! Please pray that they will receive their miracle quickly. Pray for peace and hope as they wait. There is no way to express how hard this waiting is. I have never experienced anything like it.
Thank you God for Joshua Gebeyehu Chad D.
**Gebeyehu is pronounced "gubba - you" kind of like "w" but with a "g" in front.