"May the God of hope fill you with great joy and peace as you trust in him." Romans 15:13

Monday, March 15, 2010

Weekend Fun

The kids had both Friday and Monday off from school. We took a quick trip to visit Grandma and Grandpa Great on Friday. The cousins had a very good time playing in all the snow at the farm.
The things I ordered for Joshua G's room arrived on Friday so I spent Saturday evening touching up the paint in his room and Sunday getting things settled. The rocking chair is a long time family piece that has rocked several generations of little ones on my mom's side of the family. It even survived my parent's house fire. I can not wait to rock with Joshua in it. Notice the animal stickers - Brenna helped me get them arranged just so on the walls. She was a fun helper.

Chad and Emily have allowed us to use their girls' crib. It is set up and ready to hold our little guy. The blankey I picked out for him so long ago is waiting on the end of the crib. Brenna put one of the photo album of him and his family inside. "Because he will want to read while he is falling asleep and it is the best book for him."

I have no updates in regards to court/changes/travel. The Ethiopian government has changed the rules about court and future families will have to travel twice. What is still unclear is whether or not they will grandfather cases like ours into the old system. I do not expect to have an answer to our situation until we receive a court date. When will we hear about the court date? SOON, is the only answer I have gotten so far. The not knowing is making me fidgety! Ultimately I can live with either answer, I just want to be able to make a plan and get him home! The uncertainty is difficult.