"May the God of hope fill you with great joy and peace as you trust in him." Romans 15:13

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Answers to your questions

Warning... this might be a long post!

I would like to take a few minutes to answer a few questions I have been asked this week.

What will your time in Ethiopia be like?
We will arrive in Ethiopia at 9PM their time (remember they are 8 hours AHEAD of us) on Saturday. After getting through the airport, a driver from our guest house will be waiting with our names on a card to drive us and all our stuff to the BEAUTIFUL guest house. I have had many on-line friends stay at the same guest house and have given it wonderful reviews. I have seen pictures both on their website and on my friends' blogs. We will have a suite with 2 bedrooms, a private bathroom, a small kitchen and dining room. There is an Internet connection in our room, but the Internet can be unreliable in Ethiopia so DO NOT be worried if you do not hear from me.

On Sunday, we plan to sleep in, have breakfast, get our things settled, and then call agency representatives and arrange a time to pick up my boy! We will spend as much time at the Care Center as Gebeyehu desires and then return with him to the guest house. The first order of business will be a bath, etc... and we will go from there.

We have hired a driver for the week via email. He was referred to me by another on-line friend. She totally enjoyed him. He speaks English and will act as guide, translator, and driver. I have been told he will even help us bargain when we go shopping.

We hope to visit Juniper Cafe , Alert Leprosy Hospital and Gift Shop, Children's Heaven, Entonto Mountains, do some shopping, eat at a traditional Ethiopian restaurant, drink Ethiopian coffee (lots of Ethiopian coffee!) and spend time at both the Care Center and Sele Enat (the orphanage that our agency uses). It is unclear how many of these things Gebeyehu and I will be able to do. We will ask permission when in Ethiopia and do what agency staff thinks is best. I will also be very careful to make sure Joshua Gebeyehu is enjoying being out and about. My absolute top priority is to bond with my son, if that is best done in my room at the guest house I will spend every minute there. Mom and Krissy will definitely explore though!

On Wednesday, we have our appointment with the US Embassy to get his travel documents. This will likely take a good portion of the day.

We do not know if we will be able to meet with any birth family members or not, but IF we do that meeting usually takes place Thursday or Friday.

Saturday we will go to Children's Heaven to deliver the girls/women's shoes. All the rest will go to the Care Center earlier in the week.

Late Saturday night we board the plane to fly home.

We arrive home late Sunday afternoon.

How am I feeling?
I am a kaleidoscope of emotions. I am so excited I can hardly stand it. I get teary at the weirdest times, like walking through Walmart and realizing that next time I have a cart in Walmart the seat will not hold eggs but Gebeyehu! I am totally chill at the weirdest times, like talking to a mom who adopted her child at a very similar age and totally gets it even more than I do thus far. I am focused on getting through all my lists. I miss my family (especially Chad) all ready. I am tired, way tired - but have enough adrenaline to get me through no problem! I am so relieved that my and his wait is nearly over. I am nervous about our reaction to each other. I am uncertain about how I will react to a country that I love so much, but have not yet experienced. I am in AWE of this whole process.
How is packing going?
Awesome! I have gotten an amazing amount of stuff done this week. We are basically totally packed to go to Ethiopia. I have the camper packed for the rest of my family for this weekend. I have groceries bought for Chad and the kids for next week. I have almost my whole list finished at work. I have Joshua's room ready and tonight we installed his car seat!

It is so exciting!
Tomorrow I will answer your most important question... how can we pray for you.
Thank you for all your love and support and prayers.