"May the God of hope fill you with great joy and peace as you trust in him." Romans 15:13

Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Christmas Card from Rwanda

We received our very first Christmas card today! I love Christmas cards, in fact I save the picture cards and letters from year to year. The kids love it when I get out my sleigh that holds all the cards we have received in the last 5 or so years. They have a great time reading the letters and laughing at the pictures.

So TODAY we received this card in the mail:

It is from Irakunda. The boy that we sponsor in Rwanda. We were so excited! He has written "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2011" in beautifully penned English. He has also drawn us a nativity scene.

How awesome is that? This card contains proof that Irakunda is learning. I have watched his penmanship improve in the letters we have received over the past 2 years and this time he was able to copy English. So I know he is getting educated. The drawing of the nativity scene also supports the fact that part of his instruction is Biblical. So the money we send each month to help keep him in school is obviously being put to good use.

The more I learn about child sponsorships, the more I believe in them. We sponsor Irakunda through Food for the Hungry. Food for the Hungry has a really cool gift catalog for that person who has everything. They make it easy to donate livestock, schooling, emergency shelters, seeds, fishing nets, books, clean water, health check-ups, etc... in honor of someone. Maybe you would like to donate 5 books for $25 in honor of your child's teacher. Or maybe fishing net in honor of your Grandfather who taught you to fish. Perhaps a sewing machine that would provide a source of in come to a widow as a gift of thanks that you have a job. You can view their catalog on line here.

We also support a little boy in Ethiopia. You can learn more about his sponsorship by clicking here. His sponsorship is through a much smaller organization. I can easily see some of what is going on in his village through the FOVC blog and I have bloggie friends that will travel soon to check on him as well. They have a current need to sponsor many more children in this village as well.

One of my goals is to sponsor 5 children, one in honor of each of our kids. I have 2 boys worked into the budget. Hopefully next year we can work in a girl!

Most child sponsorships cost between $30 and $40 a month, less than one meal our for our brood. So I highly encourage you to write a child sponsorship into your 2011 budget. The small amount of money that we "give up" truly makes a huge difference in the life of a child.

It also makes a difference in the lives of my children. Jamison texted me to remind me it was Irakunda's birthday a few weeks ago. He keeps it on his calendar. All the kids look forward to sending and receiving letters from Irakunda. They are truly interested in learning what Irakunda's life is like. Today Sierra was trying to figure out a way to send Irakunda a wagon. His household chore is to haul water. She thought that job would be much easier with a wagon. Then we wondered if the water he hauls is clean and safe... A lot of good conversations and prayers of gratitude have resulted from Irakunda's picture hanging in out pantry.

Our boy in Ethiopia is new, but I am sure as we get to know him through letters and pictures many of the same conversations will take place. Because we all love Ethiopia so much, we are so intrigued by him and his life already. We look forward to knowing him more.